Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm back, baby...

More on the trip to Anna Nicole's grave after these messages...


Yeah, I starfucked a corpse, but as Mike Patton says in Star A.D.

"...And when you die, you'll become
something worse
Than dead-
You'll become
A legend..."

Later, Future Readers...wherever you are...

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Musings on American Idol

So, Skeez is busy being all political and crap, I just want to lighten the load with a little fluff.

It is snowing like hell and I'm stuck at work doing, well, absolutely nothing. Except this. And reading about American Idol online.

Yes, American Idol. Go ahead. Laugh. Point. Do all those things that people like you do to people like me......

I realize there is absolutely no credibility to this show whatsoever, but I still watch it, and I still find it entertaining. But I must point out the obvious and here it goes:

1. Sundance Head. Funny name. Very little talent. How the hell did he wind up in the top 24? Oh yeah, his dad was famous for something once. If I remember correctly.

2. That Antonella chick. I guess she's hot. Not my know she's the kind of girl who will get everything she wants in life because guys think shes hot. Did I mention she couldn't sing her way out of a paper bag? Too many Britney Spears likenesses, I'm just waiting for the breakdown.

3. Chris "I look like JackOsbourne" dude. I like him because he's funny! And not funny in that "I just say it to be outrageous" way (At least, I think so) He's funny in a really witty way. He's rendition of Ray LaMontagne's "Trouble" was a little too pretty for my tastes though.

4. Blake the Beatbox. Um, He's hot.

5. The chick who looks like the mom from "Family Matters." 'Nuff said.

There's also that creepy looking bald guy, the Indian (I think, or middle eastern or something) kid who looks like the "I don't believe in God, I believe in Science" guy from "Nacho Libre," and the one quasi-flamboyant guy who always does that weird dance when he sings which reminds me of a Chippendales dancer. Oh, and that guy who thinks he's Justin Timberlake when all he really does is sing through his nose.

I can't stand any of the girls -with the exception of the black girls, does that make me racist?

Paula is a nutbag.
Randy can't say anything beyond "Ah-ight," "Dude," and "Dog"
Simon just gets more lovable as the season goes on.

Wait. I think I hate this show after all....

Luvs always!
The "MEAT" is in your "MOUTH"

PS. Have you ever looked out the window of a high rise building and watch a blizzard? It's looks like its snowing upwards (which it probably is, but I'm no fucking scientist) I did this at work today.....stared out the 17th story window of my office for 15 minutes. Delightful!

Does he have the right to turn me Christian?

Well, maybe. According to the Baltimore Sun today, our President is using our taxes to fund "faith-based-initiatives." That's pretty fucking arrogant.

Which faith, though? Muslim? Oh, Allah, no. It seems to me he more wants to stamp out that religion all together? Buddhism? As if Buddhists were even real...what about Hindu? Lol! Right? Thousands of Gods? HA! No, no, God is the only God. And Jesus...and the Holy Spirit...and the Holy Ghost...and all the Saints. And that's it.

Now, seriously. Why are we funding faith-based initiatives if the initiatives are only based on the one faith? Because the first Amendment means nothing to this presidency.

I believe the only reason he is using the faithful Americans of this country, the Christian religion as an excuse to do un-Christian things, is because of the success his party has had in controlling the people through Christianity. It is certainly not because of his Christian far as a Christian goes, I can't see that George W. Bush is a Christian at all except that he says he is all the time.

So why on earth would I back (pay for) faith-based initiatives when I have no proof of this man's faith at all? His lawyers are asking the supreme court today to shield these programs from any legal action. Christian? He's breaking the A-#1 rule this country was based on...freedom of religion. This is the country that did NOT want to pay taxes to England nor be forced into Catholocism or Protestantism (depending on what kind of King/Queen was in power at the time...remember the story of Lady Jane Grey?), but yet the Bush Administration wants to fund only programs that serve our children and underpriveleged in a Christian-based manner? What about people who do not believe that? Isn't this the land of the free? Only if you're a Christian, I guess, but the world of Christianity right now serves absolutely no purpose in my life.

Here are some images of Bush being Christian:

And to remind Christians of the Beatitudes (let me know if I'm off base here, but Bush and his initiatives do not seem to jive with Christ's teachings):

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall possess the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Faith-based inititaves? I haven't seen any such thing with this Presidency.

Google Imaged "bush faith based"